Your end of the year review is coming up

Most of us follow the same daily routines and patterns.  We are on auto pilot which can cause us to  lose our creativity and motivation for more.  Many companies conduct year end reviews highlighting their employees accomplishments, areas of improvement and goals for the next year.  A year end review is something we should incorporate in our lives.  

There is nothing more satisfing than listing out our accomplishments.  A feeling of gratitude and joy for joining the gym, starting a blog or taking a class.  There are many things we tackle each day and at the end of the year we deserve the recognition by giving ourselves a pat on the back for a job well done. We are always so quick to look at our “to do” list but never take the time to reflect and  acknowledge our achievements which is the most enjoyable part.

Next we list out the areas we want to improve some examples are saving money, spending more time with our family  and cooking homemade meals. Its good to look at the areas of our lives that need more attention.  This will also eliminate excuses because once we have a list we can schedule the time to focus on what we want to improve on.  

Lastly we need to identify our goals for the upcoming year this can be split into long term goal like owning a home or short term goal like volunteering.  Once we have our goals for the upcoming year we can start focusing our day and lives around what we want to achieve.  This exercise will be a good motivator to living your best life.  

If you like what you read “How to do it all” by Linda Formichelle who gives advice to living a full and happy life while doing it all.

Formichelle, Linda (2016)  “How to do it all” Renegade writer press

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